It starts with us but ends with me

February 24, 2023
Thump, thump
That’s the sound of my heart, beating for you
And everything you do
When I’m around you it feels like a chemical reaction
Were just chemicals that mix
What can I say when we met each other
We just instantly clicked
What’s crazy is we just met were new
But I just love every single thing about you
When you’re not here I miss you
I just want to hug you, hold you, and kiss you
You’re my every thought when I wake up and go to bed
You’re always one text away but I wish it wasn’t that way
I want you to be able to lying next to me every hour of every day
I love you it’s true nothing will ever be able to change how I feel about you
I know perfection isn’t real but if it was it’d be you
You’re perfect just the way you are
Your walk, the way you talk, and just everything you do
Nothing will be able to match how I feel about you
Suddenly all my thoughts are about you they’re stuck in my head like glue
Everytime I sleep or wake up 24/7 all of them are about you
I’ve always chased perfection, other people have told me that too
What I didn’t think was that chasing perfection would end up to me chasing you
“I’m breaking up with you”
nothing worse than those words
not monsters, zombies, ghosts
just the bad thing was
I was hearing those words from you
I never thought I’d hear that from anyone
especially you
“I’m breaking up with you”
after you said that I was stuck, frozen
didn’t know what to do
all the thoughts in my mind were racing
they were all running around like a zoo
I’ve just been sitting in my room
eating ice cream and all I can do is think about you
you’re still on my mind even after it’s over it’s true
I just wish you gave me a reason
or something I could believe
I thought we were meant to be
it felt like fate twisted us together but
that was before you untangled it
right now all I can think about is how
I can live with the fact of
just being friends with you
I didn’t like you because of the way that you looked
I liked you because the way you looked at me
I didn’t love you because you had a lot of money
I loved you because you weren’t chained down
You were like a dove independent and free
I didn’t want you because you didn’t know who you wanted to be I wanted you because you loved me
Notice how i’m speaking in the past tense,
so yes it’s over it is true and while some
things may change the one thing that won’t change is how I feel about you
you’re gone now we have drifted apart but maybe it’s for the better
I couldn’t handle just being friends
It will feel like i got stabbed in the heart
It’ll be a constant pain lasting forever
We don’t talk anymore
You don’t know me and I don’t know you
Were strangers in each others lives again it’s true
And to think not that long ago all I wanted was you
I see and hear things that remind me of you but I wish they didn’t
I loved you for all the right reasons but it was hard
Accepting the fact that you didn’t love me anymore
Not even a little bit
Not even at all
I see you in the hallways sometimes
But I wish that I didn’t have too
I miss you I hate you but not that long ago all I did was want to kiss you
You linger in my mind more than you should
You never gave me a reason why you ended it but you didn’t have too
I see you with her and I think ”that could’ve been us”
It would’ve been too good to be true
I know reflecting on the past isn’t good that’s true but
I didn’t think right now at this point in my life that when i left the past behind
It would end up meaning that i would have to leave you behind too
I have to move on with my life because you ruined it for a while and
Made all my thoughts about you
I can’t even say your name anymore and hearing it is just as worse
So for now or forever
Goodbye stranger
It started with us but ended with me