Will New AI be an Issue in Schools?
AI, the end of students’ creativity
STOCKTON: Artificial Intelligence or AI is a piece of technology that we now readily use in our day-to-day lives. The first glimpse of this technology was released as early as 1951 by a man by the name of Christopher Strachey, who would later happen to become the director of the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford. He wrote the very first form of AI coding which would be the foundation for future AI code. Now recently, AI has become so advanced that there is a threat against AI usage by students. Students have begun to use AI to complete a variety of writing assignments assigned by teachers. This has brought up two issues for schools in the future: will AI put students’ privacy at risk and will AI be the end of students’ creativity?
Every time an individual uses artificial intelligence, their data is stored and accounted for. This puts up the risk of this data ending up in the wrong hands and being used for deceitful purposes. AI can be imagined as an entrance for hackers to effortlessly enter, which will result in data breaches and unauthorized access to personal information.. There are efforts being made to automate AI to minimize these privacy breaches. This is done by inscribing personable data, decreasing human error and detecting possible cyber security occurrences. Online privacy is an issue that threatens a person’s dignity, safety and self determination. This can cause major setbacks in the future of relations between humans and new tech. While AI affects the safety of an array of people, AI is primarily being used currently in schools throughout the country.
Artificial intelligence’s claim to fame is its agility at writing a given prompt in the blink of an eye. You can simply access a website, write out a prompt and receive an answer after a single click. Students have begun to see the advantages of this technology and have now been using it to complete assignments for them. This brings up the fact that if students use AI, all of their prior creativity will be lost. This creativity is what allows our society to progress. New ideas, propositions and designs will be gone. Only the voice of AI will be heard in a student’s writing. Of course, this could simply be an over-exaggeration as not every student uses AI for these purposes, but it is still a possibility that should be taken into account. This issue has now been brought to the attention of teachers and how they will adjust to this technology.
Teachers have been making efforts to stop artificial intelligence from being used for inadequate purposes. Some systems that have been used are websites such as turnitin.com. Other teachers have been using the traditional approach and have started to only accept assignments that are written out by hand. Another way that school districts do this is by blocking known AI websites from being used on a student’s school required chromebook. The simplest way that teachers prevent the use of AI is by becoming aware of how a particular student writes. This means that they will be able to detect any sudden changes in the way a student writes. Although AI has many setbacks, it does include a great number of positive effects.
Undeniably, AI has its disadvantages, but that doesn’t deny the fact that AI introduces many advantages. These advantages include reduced time taken to complete a task, reducing human error and can serve as a readily available resource just to name a few. Artificial intelligence in the future will inevitably advance and it is the duty of society to choose how to adapt to this tech in order to best suit places like schools.

Michelle Bekhtel is a current senior at Lincoln High School. Michelle is in her second year of writing for the school's paper, where she holds the position...