Written by Jon Hart, the novel Party School follows young Dylan Mills as he balances love and societal pressures through this relatable teenage novel. In this debut novel, Hart writes of typical teenage hardships and wrongdoings with such care and detail. Readers follow the perspective of Dylan Mills and his codependence on his ex-girlfriend, Rosemary. The morally gray characters create a realistic world for teens to connect with, almost as though they are looking into a mirror while reading. The academic and social success of Rosemary’s character in contrast to Dylan’s wild and underachieving lifestyle allows for all readers to connect to the world Hart has created in one way or another.
Personally, I found the distinctions between Rosemary and Dylan refreshing, especially in a highschool setting. Differing from the stereotypical “girl and boy next door” trope, I found their dynamic entertaining and invigorating. Regardless of their history, they managed to push through and remain friends in the end. The process they went through to end up happy in the end was the happy ending that I needed in this story. Having several subplots makes the book impossible to put down, as each character develops more and more throughout. Dylan’s character development is inspiring, especially for teenagers. I admire that he didn’t end up running back to Rosemary, so readers can see exactly how much he has changed throughout the entire novel. As his debut novel, Jon Hart has perfectly painted a world for teenagers to connect with. If you’re interested in reading, you can check it out from our school library!