LINCOLN– “What do you hate about today’s Fashion trends?”

Devontay Mansu;- He believes that, in current fashion, the biggest problem is Jorts.
He says “Jorts are tacky, People who wear them don’t put enough effort or thought into the outfit.” When asked if there were any conditions he added, “I’d only wear them if the entire outfit matches- only in that scenario they look okay.”

Mattison Moreno;- When asked, she said that sagging is the worst problem on campus. She explained “I hate when boys sag their pants it doesn’t make any sense because they do it when wearing belts too. It makes them look sloppy.”

Joseph Simanaro;- When interviewed, he also commented on oversized jorts and called them “Overhyped and Overused.” He insists they shouldn’t be worn at all. When asked about his favorite genre of clothing, he recommends Carti.

Manuel Ranzo;- When asked the same question, he says, “Heavily ripped jeans are unethical and also over-worn. He adds, “Personally, I could never wear them.”