LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL– “Feminism involves so much more than gender equality and it involves so much more than gender.” -Angela Davis. Women of Color Club President, Myshalai Henson (Year 11), was inspired by this quote and founded the club in March of 2023. Women of Color’s club mission is to celebrate diversity, empower voices, and educate others on intersectional feminism.
Since the creation of the club, they have participated in various USB and self-organized events and meetings. The club’s first big USB-ran event was International Night 2023. There they sold churros and soda, which were a big hit among LHS students, completely selling out. From the club’s self run events, writing self-love letters and a presentation on women’s self-acceptance, brought hope and pride to the women of color community on campus.
Women of Color clubs first Homecoming Carnival was this year. This gave the club the opportunity to raise funds to support their mission of educating and creating a safe space, and to unite other women of color to collaborate and work together. Selling conchas and ice coffee, purchasers were pleased. One writes on their social media, “The conchas were very good! ♥️”
Being a fairly new club and addition to Lincoln High School, Women of Color are always looking for new members to join its special community. You can follow the club @woclhs on Instagram and join the Remind with the code “woclhs.”