Stockton- The most popular holiday has arrived, a long-awaited season for many, Christmastime is here. Nothing like presents, friends, family, and food. As the countdown until Christmas arrives, Hanukkah starts to take place. These two holidays are pretty well known, but what’s the difference? Both of these two holidays have religious backgrounds, with Christmas being mostly celebrated by Christians, and Hanukkah being mostly celebrated by Jews. Hanukkah, however, just happens to be one of the many Jewish holidays. This holiday seems to land at one of the most anticipated times of the year. Originally, Hanukkah was celebrated by lighting candles on each day of the festival for eight days. However, considering those who don’t celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah was adjusted to seem more festive. While still respecting religion and culture, small things like songs, the holiday bush, and gift-giving rituals were added.
Both of these festivals are celebrated for something. Initially, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Hanukkah is the celebration of the great victory over the Maccabees, gaining their religious freedom. It can be easy to spot the differences in these holidays, but let’s go over the similarities. Both of these traditions are surrounded by family time. Families become closer and spend more time with each other. The traditions of each family are continued with nothing but special memories to follow. Each of these events are established based on religion and culture, both emphasizing religious fulfillments. The feeling of gratitude is another trait these two celebrations share, the mindfulness of being grateful for everything you have.
As some may not be aware, these two holidays have had differences since day one, time to zone in on them. To start, Christmas is the celebration of what Hanukkah is ultimately abstaining from. It’s not a bad event, just not believed or supported. Hanukkah doesn’t typically believe in the birth of Christ, which is the whole religious meaning of Christmas. Hanukkah decides to celebrate their victory over the Maccabees. As Christmas is emphasized highly around these times, Hanukkah is not a big deal. No work days are given to people nationally within America. As for Hanukkah, it’s highly overlooked. The holiday seasons in America are usually around October, November and December. However, for Jews, the holiday seasons are only September and October. These celebrations have a complicated relationship.
In conclusion, Hanukkah and Christmas are very similar and different. Both with cultural significance, and they can see eye to eye. These two holidays areconstructed around family and friends. With each having something to offer, like lighting the Hanukkah menorah or even decorating the Christmas tree. All of this includes their time with loved ones and much more. Although differences between the two include celebrating different meanings. Another difference could be the importance of each holiday. As mentioned previously, Christmas takes the spotlight while Hanukkah is overlooked. Lastly, Christmas and Hanukkah have opposite religious meanings. Having these differences separate the two, therefore, it is the ultimate difference between these two events.