Groundhog day is a tradition that happens on February 2 every year that is observed by the United States and Canada. It celebrates that if on a sunny or rainy day and the groundhog sees its shadow, there would be six more weeks of winter. However, if the groundhog doesn’t see its shadow, it was a sign that the following weeks would lead to an early spring.
The Groundhog’s name is Punxsutawney Phil. Groundhog day was first celebrated on February 2, 1887. Groundhog day roots back to the Christian tradition of Candlemas. Candlemas is when the clergy would bless and give out candles needed for winter. The candles symbolizes how cold and long the winter would be.
You may be wondering, is Punxsutawney Phil actually right? The Groundhogs tradition is fun but they are never really correct. Although they are never really correct, Phil has actually been correct 39% of the time since the tradition started. Phil has seen his shadow most of the time which means that winter would be longer.
In 2024, Phil did not see his shadow which means that early spring will be coming. This is the first time since 2020 that Phil predicted an early spring. This is a good thing because 89% of the time he has seen his shadow. Also I hate winter and would rather have spring than winter. In the springtime, it starts to get warmer and we’re able to wear thinner clothing instead of bulky jackets and pants.
Although Phil is the most famous groundhog, he isn’t the only groundhog who makes the weather forecast on February 2 in 2024. The other groundhog is Buckeye Chuck in Ohio, Staten Island Chuck in New York and General Beauregard Lee in Georgia. They all made an appearance from their burrows Friday morning to predict if there will be a longer winter or an early spring.
Groundhog Day
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About the Contributor

Ali Chan, Staff Writer
Ali Chan is a Senior at Lincoln High School and is in her second year of Journalism. She is a part of the Cambodian Club and loves to participate in the student section of Lincoln’s football games. If Ali could interview anyone she would choose Allison DiLaurentis from Pretty Little Liars because she is fascinated with her life and would love to know more about her.