The USB is run by Mr. Gadeke and they organize events at Lincoln for everyone to have fun. A Lincoln USB member talked about their experiences being a member. “Being in the USB is so fun!” they said. When asked what they liked best about being in the USB, they answered, “I really like working with other members and being able to make our plans for this school become possible. And like, I’ve made way more friends after joining.” The USB puts their best efforts into making the school better for everyone to enjoy, trying their hardest to create activities to have all students and staff at Lincoln be brought together!
Interview With USB Member
USB is our hard working student body run by Mr. Gadeke and the attendees of the class here at Lincoln, the USB students work really hard to give us fun events throughout the school year. I interviewed Essence Storey, a junior here at Lincoln who also enjoys being a part of USB! Upcoming events this month have been put together by USB. They go through a long process of planning out their budget, figuring out what they are gonna spend the money on, ordering items and putting together dates and times, and lastly how it will benefit the school. As of recently they’ve been putting forth their best efforts to plan the best homecoming rally possible, senior sunrise and our club rush! Students are given freedom to plan peer friendly events, Essence says she enjoys planning events because of the creative liberties they have during planning hours. All their ideas go through the school board to guarantee they are putting together the best events for students here at Lincoln!