Fellowship of Christian Athletes or better known as FCA, is a great way to connect with your faith and fellow athletes alike. FCA accepts all people whether they are Christian or not or not even an athlete either. It is a community based on loving the Lord and spreading that love throughout the Lincoln High School community.
Mrs. Buhr, the lead advisor for FCA, provided us with some insight on the club’s history here at Lincoln. She stated that “The club was established in 2009 and I’ve been involved for 8 years”. The previous advisors were Mr. Sakoda and Coach Greeno but it is now currently Mr. Epperson, Coach Grim, and herself. She describes the club as “just a group of people who want to be encouraging to people and give glory to god” along with her personal motivation for joining the club being “because [she] loves Jesus and sports and it was a natural way to be a part of the Lincoln High School community.” While she is the lead moderator she also has an amazing support group that helps run the club besides the other advisors and that is the officers of the club.
Logan Sovenic and Emma Barth are the Co-Presidents of the FCA club. Logan stated that they both “manage the club and worships, attend the meetings, and are in charge of paperwork and making sure all of the events are in order.” He has been in the club for 4 years and has been in a leadership position for 2 years while Emma has been the the club for the last 4 years as well but in leadership for 3 years. They both work extremely hard and not only manage the clubs finances and other information, but provide a fun and loving community for everyone. Logan says he thinks people should join their club because it’s “a great community and [they] always have a lively group of people always ready to talk and have fun and connect.” Emma adds onto this statement by saying, “they should join because it’s a safe and big community of people where they can enjoy Christ all together.” If this is something that interests you, you can follow their Instagram page @lhsfca, join their Google Classroom, or Remind but it is important to note that you don’t have to officially sign up anywhere and you can attend their meetings and events whenever you want. Some of the events they have coming up are their prayer mornings every first Wednesday of the month, their huddles every first and 3rd Thursday of the month, the second Club rush in January, International Night/Multicultural Rally, and their FCA Breakfast of Champions.
Another couple of individuals who are integral to the club are the Co-Vice Presidents Lauren Jantz and Sara Ott which Lauren says their job is to “work to help the Presidents and be there for anybody if they need help with anything”. They have both been in the club for 4 years and in a leadership position for 2 years. Sara says the club mainly focuses on “coming together every other week and worshiping the Lord, learning more about God and fellowship to meet new people”, which Lauren adds onto her statement saying they “provide a safe community for either athletes, Christians, both or neither and everyone can come together and get to know each other and create the community we strive to have”. Both believe that the club is a great way to meet new people, learn more about God and connect with other Christians.
Dylan Wargnier is the Secretary of FCA who has been in the club for 3 years but is currently in his first year of being in a leadership role. He thinks that people should join the club to “create a fellowship in our school and to help heal from all of the hurt and the dark places we have”. He also mentioned how the main goal for FCA is “to get a lot more members and outreach to other schools as well because that’s what the big FCA program wants to as many schools as possible”. For those who are unaware, FCA is an organization that is run in many schools all with the same purpose and similar formatting.
Samuel Bonilla is the Treasurer of FCA and has been in the club for 2 years but is currently in his first year as a leader. As the Treasurer he is “in charge of anything money related and monitors the comings and goings of any exchanges through the account”. He enjoys being in the club and being able to create an environment in school where people can be open about their faith and testify for it. The club events may often be focusing on prayers, worships or other religious activities but he also notes that the club is also a space where people can have fun, enjoy their lunch and if they’re not a person who knows much about Christianity, it’s a great place to learn about it as well.
Mallory Wagner is one of the Publicity officers for FCA, unfortunately the other Publicity officer, Brenden Davis, was unable to make the interview. Mallory was still able to provide some helpful insight into the club and her position. Mallory stated that she and Brenden “help with the clubs’ Instagram and are the ones to upload the posts and stories”. She stated that her favorite part about being in the club was “it’s a chance to go to church on campus. [Students] don’t get that everywhere and [she’s] very thankful to have that here”.
FCA is a wonderful club and community that has thrived on this campus since 2009 and will continue to do so in the years to come. So if you’re looking for a safe space, a fun community, and a group of people that will share your love for the Lord, you should consider joining them.