Stockton- My winter routine is much more than I would normally do in summer. People’s bodies and skin react differently when the temperature drastically changes. For example, if you have dry skin, you must moisturize more in the winter. Also, waking up can be challenging because of the cold weather. Everyone has a different routine according to how their body reacts in the winter.
For myself, I have to moisturize more because my skin is sensitive and gets dry in the winter. I also get pale, which I hate. Waking up is even more difficult. My routine in the winter is to wake up and shower. In the shower, I shampoo and condition my hair, body wash, and these two face washes my mom bought. After I get out, I go to my room, choose my most comfy clothes, and throw them on. I dry my hair and put hair oil on. I also put moisturizer, cream, and Aquaphor on my face. Before I leave for school, I change into my school clothes out of my comfy clothes. I get exhausted in the winter, and when I get home, I do some homework, and then right after, I’m in bed by at least 8 pm.
Winter may be other people’s favorite season, but I hate it. My routine is longer, and I feel like doing nothing when it’s cold. My energy is low, but I like it when it is not too cold or warm. One thing I like about winter is drinking warm drinks, especially coffee. Also, I have a habit of eating bagels often during the winter. Your winter routine could depend on your preferences or how your body reacts.