Music is something beloved by many people of all ages, genders and ethnicities; music is known to be a source of expression, inspiration and connection between people or groups of people—Music is often used for its soothing effect on emotions or even used as a mood booster. With the plethora of music genres that exist, there are surely favorites amongst the diverse community of Lincoln High School students! Therefore, we surveyed a handful of random students with the question: What is your favorite music genre?
Through the question, we came across many popular music genres as well as genres we haven’t heard about up until that point. We found that R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap and Rock came in with the most popular genres amongst the people we surveyed. Indie, Pop, and Alternative were also popular genres, though there was a good chunk of people who didn’t have a favorite genre or hadn’t decided!
Genres such as Punk, Jazz, Choral Music, Acapella and even UK Drill were some of the less popular genres mentioned in our survey; it leaves the question of if the results would have been different if a larger pool of people were asked about their favorite music genre? Either way, the diversity of genres is to be expected with the diversity of people on campus.