In this street I lay
Hoping you’d come back one day
This love that I have
Is love I can’t hold
I hold you up in the sky
I love to be shined by your light
The light that guides my heart
The light that heals my pain
I am no longer shined by that light
I am trapped in a cave
Trapped & surrounded by my ache
I am drowned in my misery
Weighted down by all the hopes I had for us
That feeling needs to be erased
I need to move on
But my heart is too weak for such actions
I feel so much pain
But it’s all trapped in this love I have
This love I can’t let go
This love I’m not supposed to have
This love that I hold
Would it be wrong for me to express how I love you
When you left you stated you needed space
It’s getting harder to respect that wish
It’s getting harder to forget all that we had
All that we did
All those moments with loved filled in that air
All those long gazes we had
All those beautiful moments that we shared
I feel my body broken;tormented;abused
I’m hurt by all this damage that you inflict
The damage I have from when you left me
But who am I to kid
This pain tormented to my heart
Pain that has spread across my body
I am shackled with it
I am trapped in constant misery
In constant remindment
How can I let myself free from this pain
This pain I inflicted upon myself
How do I deal with this pain that I gave
I write as if I’m worried about me
But that is all just a muse
I am worried about that damage I did
The pain that I caused
I’m not drowning in pain for myself
Rather the worry of the pain I caused you
I just want to talk to ask
A text or even a call
I long for that moment with you
But alas it seems too much
It seems too far