The month of March is recognized throughout the world as Women’s History Month which celebrates the contributions and achievements of women in the past present and future. It is known as a time to appreciate not only the women in your life but the thousands of females throughout time that have contributed to the advancement in our society and helped us create such a modern and culturally diverse society.
Along with our very own Lincoln High School, schools all over the world organize special programs and school activities to celebrate during the month of March. Women all over the world who have created a positive impact in their communities or by the work they do are often asked to come speak to classes about what they do and how other younger girls can create their impact on the world. Along with presentations given, many high schools host spirit weeks or a singular spirit day to recognize women and their achievements. Here at Lincoln, we had a day of acknowledgement where everyone wore pink or purple to show their appreciation for women in history and current women making differences in the world.
Each year, women continue to receive more and more recognition during the month of March, and the effort to provide equality for women continues. Every year, thousands of people and hundreds of schools and women’s organizations work together to support this monthly event. These efforts are led by the National Women’s History Alliance, which plays a major role in providing appreciation for women on a big platform. If you have a special woman in your life make sure to say thank you for all she had done for you because even if they have not made a huge contribution to society, they still deserve lots of love and respect for being such an amazing person. From Lincoln High School’s Journalism program: Happy Women’s History Month!